Discover the Magic of the Holidays with Brandywine Nursery!

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The holiday season is just around the corner, and there's no better way to embrace the festivities than a visit to Brandywine Nursery's Holiday Pop-Up Shop. From December 1st - 22nd, Brandywine Nursery invites you to let nature be the star…

When is the Best Time to Prune?

When is the best time to prune? The answer depends on the species of plant and the type of pruning that you are doing.   Any Time: If you are selectively pruning and are removing less than 10% of the plant’s canopy, it is…

Deer Resistant Plants

The only real deer-proof plants are those the deer haven't found or can't reach. However, here are some ways to minimize their impact. Deer are primarily browsers; this means they prefer to munch on your plants' new growing tips. They will also…

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